The Revelation Space Collection

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Alastair Reynolds


  • Revelation Space,


  • 被暴露的真相
    a fact that people are made aware of, especially one that has been secret and is surprising

  • (上帝的)启示
    something that is considered to be a sign or message from God

  • Chasm City

chasm /ˈkæzəm/

a deep crack or opening in the ground

  • Redemption Ark


  • 救赎
    the act of saving or state of being saved from the power of evil;


  • 诺亚方舟
    a large boat which Noah built to save his family and two of every type of animal from the flood
  • Absolution Gap


  • 赦免
    a formal statement that a person is forgiven for what he or she has done wrong
  • The Prefect

  • Diamond Dogs

  • Turquoise Days


  • 绿松石
    a blue or greenish-blue semi-precious stone


  • 蓝色


  • 绿色


  • a greenish-blue colour
  • Galactic North


  • 银河的;星系的
    relating to a galaxy

Revelation Space

ONE - Mantell Sector, North Nekhebet, Resurgam, Delta Pavonis system, 2551

  • nekhebet
    涅赫贝特(Nekhbet)(/ˈnɛkˌbɛt/;也被拼写为 Nekhebit)是埃及神话中早期前王朝时期尼可布(Nekheb)城的守护神,她的名字意思就是“尼可布的”。最终,成为了上埃及的守护神,也是古埃及统一后的二个保护神之一
    涅赫贝特是上埃及守护神,她与下埃及守护神瓦吉特(Wadjet)经常作为“双女”(Two Ladies)一道出现。

  • 神谕(英语:Oracle),即神示、神意,一种占卜的形式。在经由神明启示后,经过某个中介者(祭司),传达神明的意旨,对未来做出预言,回答询问,以预知未来

  • Resurgam

  • excavation挖掘
    the act of digging, especially with a machine

  • archaeological考古的考古学
    related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology
    the study of cultures of the past, and of periods of history by examining the remains of buildings and objects found in the ground

  • devote投入(时间、精力等)
    If you devote yourself, your time, or your energy to something, you spend all or most of your time or energy on it.

  • shaft
    a long, narrow, usually vertical passage in a building or underground, used especially for a lift/elevator or as a way of allowing air in or out

  • sheer
    陡峭的very steep
    使急转向to change direction suddenly, especially in order to avoid hitting sth

“baulks of” can refer to large, heavy pieces or quantities of something.
在航海和航运背景下,”baulks” 可能指的是船舶建造中使用的大型木梁。这些大梁是用于在制造和修理船只时提供结构支持的大型实木横梁。

  • wheeler
    辕马,读音yuán mǎ,汉语词语,意思是仪式上为马车中最靠近前轮的马。解释驾车的马。

  • coffer
    保险箱A coffer is a large strong chest used for storing valuable objects such as money or gold and silver.

“cofferdams” 指的是围堰,而 “hyperdiamond” 是一种虚构的材料,可能是一种高度先进或幻想中的材料

  • spin
    Spun is the past tense and past participle of spin.

  • stratify
    to arrange sth in layers or strata
    Strata is the plural of stratum .
    岩层a layer or set of layers of rock, earth, etc.
    阶层a class in a society

纸张或薄片:”Sheet” 可以指一张纸、薄片或类似的薄而平坦的材料。例如,床单(bed sheet)是一种覆盖床垫的纸张,或者乐谱(sheet music)是印有音乐符号的纸张。

  • crawler
    a thing or person that crawls , such as a vehicle, an insect or a baby
    爬行to move forward on your hands and knees, with your body close to the ground

  • crouch
    蹲下to put your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you

  • muffle
    压抑(声音);to make a sound quieter or less clear
    蒙住(以保暖)to wrap or cover sb/sth in order to keep them/it warm

  • landmass
    a large continuous extent of land

  • fidget
    to keep moving your body, your hands or your feet because you are nervous, bored, excited, etc.

  • collar
    the part around the neck of a shirt, jacket or coat that usually folds down

  • evacuation
    撤离to move people from a place of danger to a safer place

  • lit
    点燃set afire or burning
    照亮provided with artificial light

“the banks of” 指的是某物或某事物的侧边、边缘或两侧。这个短语通常用来描述河流、湖泊、道路等的两侧

  • floodlight
    a large powerful lamp, used for lighting sports grounds, theatre stages and the outside of buildings

  • lump块
    a piece of sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape

  • clot
    (血或乳脂)凝结成块when blood or cream clots or when sth clots it, it forms thick lumps or clots

“Caul” 这个词通常指的是新生婴儿出生时覆盖在头部和脸部的羊膜残余物

  • smear
    to spread an oily or soft substance over a surface in a rough or careless way
    to damage sb’s reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true

  • devil

  • gyroscope陀螺仪;
    a device consisting of a wheel that spins rapidly inside a frame and does not change position when the frame is moved. Gyroscopes are often used to keep ships and aircraft steady.

  • scurry
    If people scurry to do something, they do it as soon as they can.

  • thrust
    推;If you thrust something or someone somewhere, you push or move them there quickly with a lot of force.

  • anvil
    an iron block on which a blacksmith puts hot pieces of metal before shaping them with a hammer

  • patter
    the sound that is made by sth repeatedly hitting a surface quickly and lightly

  • boulder
    a very large rock which has been shaped by water or the weather

  • gaze凝视
    to look steadily at sb/sth for a long time, either because you are very interested or surprised, or because you are thinking of sth else

  • transponder
    a piece of equipment that receives radio signals and automatically sends out another signal in reply

  • goggle
    to look at sb/sth with your eyes wide open, especially because you are surprised or shocked

“dust goggles” 意指防尘护目镜,这种护目镜通常是为了保护眼睛不受灰尘、颗粒物等污染物的影响

“Reproachfully” 是一个副词,表示以责备、指责的口吻或表情来看待或对待某人

  • beseech
    to ask sb for sth in an anxious way because you want or need it very much

  • gravitometer
    “Gravitometers” 是一个名词,指的是一种测量地球引力场的仪器或设备。这些仪器用来测定地球上不同地点的引力强度,通常以重力单位(如加仑或米每秒平方)来表示。引力场的变化可以提供有关地下地质结构的信息,因此 gravitometers 常用于地质勘探、勘探石油和矿藏、以及其他地球科学研究

  • sway
    to move slowly from side to side; to move sth in this way

“Enlarge” 是一个动词,意为扩大、增大、扩展或放大。当使用这个动词时,通常表示使某物更大或更广泛,或增加其规模或尺寸
They decided to enlarge the house by adding a new room.

  • slab
    a thick flat piece of stone, wood or other hard material

  • vertigo
    the feeling of dizziness and fear, and of losing your balance, that is caused in some people when they look down from a very high place

  • permafrost
    lasting for a long time or for all time in the future; existing all the time
    霜冻a weather condition in which the temperature drops below 0˚C (= freezing point ) so that a thin white layer of ice forms on the ground and other surfaces, especially at night
    “Permafrost” 是指多年冻土,一种地下土壤或岩石层,在一年中的大部分时间都处于冻结状态

  • subpolar

  • thaw
    to turn back into water after being frozen

  • regolith

  • demarcation
    a border or line that separates two things, such as types of work, groups of people or areas of land

“extra floods” 指的是额外的光源或洪水灯

  • gloom
    幽暗almost total darkness
    忧郁a feeling of being sad and without hope

  • cramp
    抽筋a sudden pain that you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body contract, usually caused by cold or too much exercise

  • cramped
    狭窄的a cramped room, etc. does not have enough space for the people in it

  • contract
    合约an official written agreement
    收缩to become less or smaller; to make sth become less or smaller

  • fantastical
    extremely good;
    怪诞的;荒诞不经的strange and showing a lot of imagination

  • hive
    蜂房a structure made for bees to live in
    a place full of people who are busy


  • mat
    垫子a small piece of thick carpet or strong material that is used to cover part of a floor

“Serve for” 是一个短语,通常表示某物或某人被用于某种特定的目的或任务
“served for” 表示这些物品或工具在另一个时代被用于外科手术

  • surgery
    外科手术medical treatment of injuries or diseases that involves cutting open a person’s body and often removing or replacing some parts;

  • servitor
    a male servant

  • skulk
    to hide or move around secretly, especially when you are planning sth bad

  • compad

  • cladistic
    cladistic taxonomy
    支序分類學(英文:cladistic taxonomy)又稱支序系統學、分支系統學、系統發育系統學(英文:phylogenetic systematics,也譯作系統發育分類學或系譜分類學),簡稱支序學(英文:cladistic),是一門基於種系發生的生物分類學科

“stood up with a start” 意味着突然站起

突然的事件或状况:例如,”a snap decision” 意味着一个突然的决定。

  • greatcoat
    A greatcoat (also watchcoat) is a large, woollen overcoat
    In the 19th century, the ‘watchcoat’ was part of a soldier’s military uniform, to be worn whilst on watch (guard duty), hence the term watchcoat

  • overcoat长大衣
    An overcoat is a type of long coat intended to be worn as the outermost garment, which usually extends below the knee. Overcoats are most commonly used in winter when warmth is more important.

  • garment服装
    a piece of clothing

  • fringe
    刘海儿the front part of sb’s hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead
    边缘the outer edge of an area or a group

  • brow
    the part of the face above the eyes and below the hair

  • commentary
    现场解说a spoken description of an event that is given while it is happening, especially on the radio or television
    评论a written explanation or discussion of sth such as a book or a play

  • inception
    the start of an institution, an organization, etc.

  • gruesome
    恐怖的very unpleasant and filling you with horror, usually because it is connected with death or injury

  • chamber
    a room used for the particular purpose that is mentioned


  • intact
    完好无损complete and not damaged

  • biped
    any creature with two feet

  • limb
    四肢an arm or a leg; a similar part of an animal, such as a wing

“four-limbed bipeds” 意指四肢的两足动物,即拥有四条腿,但站立或行走时以两条后肢为主。

  • situate
    to build or place sth in a particular position

  • analogous
    If one thing is analogous to another, the two things are similar in some way.
    If you situate something such as an idea or fact in a particular context, you relate it to that context, especially in order to understand it better.

  • elongate
    (使)变长to become longer; to make sth longer

  • prominent
    突出的Something that is prominent is very noticeable or is an important part of something else.

  • cranial
    the bone structure that forms the head and surrounds and protects the brain

  • ridge

“voluminous” 通常用来描述尺寸、形状、内容或文本的丰满或大量特征

  • beaklike
    beak鸟喙the hard pointed or curved outer part of a bird’s mouth
    resembling(像to look like or be similar to another person or thing) the beak of a bird

  • jaw
    颌either of the two bones at the bottom of the face that contain the teeth and move when you talk or eat
    钳口the parts of a tool or machine that are used to hold things tightly

  • tan
    if a person or their skin tans or is tanned , they become brown as a result of spending time in the sun

  • desiccate
    remove water from

  • tissue
    a collection of cells that form the different parts of humans, animals and plants

  • contort
    扭曲to become twisted or make sth twisted out of its natural or normal shape

  • agonise \ agony
    extreme physical or mental pain

“Technomic” 是一个专业术语,通常用于描述与技术和经济(technology and economics)相关的事物。

  • artefact
    an object that is made by a person, especially sth of historical or cultural interest

  • tactile
    connected with the sense of touch; using your sense of touch

  • methane甲烷
    a gas without colour or smell, that burns easily and is used as fuel. Natural gas consists mainly of methane .

  • aquatint腐蚀版画
    a method of producing a picture using acid on a metal plate; a picture produced using this method
    “Aquatint” 是一种艺术技巧,主要用于版画。这个技巧使用树脂粉末或树脂粒子来制作细微的、透明的图像。

“Icescape” 是一个合成词,由 “ice”(冰)和 “landscape”(景观)组成,指的是冰冻的地貌景观或冰雪覆盖的地区的特定景观。

  • livery(尤指旧时仆人或官员的)制服
    a special uniform worn by servants or officials, especially in the past

“Sweetmeats” 是一个名词,指的是各种甜食、糖果或点心

  • liqueur烈性甜酒
    a strong sweet alcoholic drink, sometimes flavoured with fruit. It is usually drunk in very small glasses after a meal.

  • drape将(衣服、织物等)悬挂,披
    to hang clothes, materials, etc. loosely on sb/sth

指一物体或距离延伸横跨另一物体或距离,”The bridge spans the river
事物跨越一段时间,包括其中的所有部分,Her career spanned several decades
涉及:指涉及或包括某事物。例如,”The discussion spanned various topics” 意味着讨论涉及了各种主题。

  • vogue风尚
    a fashion for sth

  • entopic,”Entoptic” 是一个术语,用于描述与视觉系统或眼球内部相关的现象或图像

  • seraph撒拉弗,色辣芬(基督教中级别最高的天使)
    an angel of the highest rank

  • cherub小天使(常被绘为有翅膀的胖男孩)
    a type of angel , shown as a small fat, usually male, child with wings

  • hummingbird
    A hummingbird is a small brightly coloured bird found in America, especially Central and South America. It has a long thin beak and powerful narrow wings that can move very fast.

  • detest
    to hate sb/sth very much

“Deign” 是一个动词,指的是以高贵或高高在上的态度屈尊做某事,通常用于表示某人以不情愿的方式或表现出高傲的态度来做某事
He wouldn’t even deign to speak to us

  • culmination高潮;终点
    the highest point or end of sth, usually happening after a long time

  • strand股,缕
    a single thin piece of thread, wire, hair, etc.

  • ribonucleic
    RNA 是一种生物分子,与脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)一样在遗传信息传递中起重要作用。”Ribonucleic” 表示与 RNA 相关的特性或属性。

  • entwine缠绕
    to twist or wind sth around sth else
    to wind or twist around sth; to make sth do this

  • marquetry(家具等的)镶嵌细工,镶嵌艺术
    patterns or pictures made of pieces of wood on the surface of furniture, etc.; the art of making these patterns

  • snatch抢走;偷窃
    to take sb/sth away from a person or place, especially by force; to steal sth

“Fibrous” 是一个形容词,用于描述物质或结构,指的是它们有纤维状的特征、构造或质地。

  • speckle色斑
    a small coloured mark or spot on a background of a different colour

  • potassium-argon
    potassium-argon dating通过测量岩石中的钾同位素衰变成氩来确定年龄的测年方法。它经常用于测定岩石和矿物的年龄。

  • uranium
    铀(放射性化学元素)a chemical element. Uranium is a heavy, silver-white, radioactive metal, used mainly in producing nuclear energy.

    uranium-series dating使用钙华沉积物(钙华)中铀同位素的放射性衰变来确定它们的年龄

“Travertine” 是一种沉积性岩石,通常是由钙华沉积物形成的。它是一种石灰岩,由于其在地下水源中的沉积和沉积物沉积而形成

  • deposit沉积物
    layer of a substance that has formed naturally underground
    to pay a sum of money as the first part of a larger payment; to pay a sum of money that you will get back if you return in good condition sth that you have rented
    to put money into a bank account

  • fission裂变,分裂
    the act or process of splitting the nucleus (= central part) of an atom, when a large amount of energy is released

fission-track dating火山玻璃或其他矿物中铀的自发裂变而产生的损伤轨迹来确定其年龄的测年技术

  • luminescence冷光
    Luminescence is a soft, glowing light.
    light from nonthermal sources

thermoluminescence dating热释光测年是一种通过测量矿物晶格内累积的辐射诱导电子来确定烧过的石碎片的年龄的方法。

  • flint燧石;火石
    a type of very hard grey stone that can produce a spark when it is hit against steel

  • upheaval动荡/ʌpˈhiːvəl/
    a big change that causes a lot of confusion, worry and problems

  • stem茎,梗
    The stem of a plant is the thin, upright part on which the flowers and leaves grow.
    to stop sth that is flowing from spreading or increasing
    控制或抑制情感、行为或事件的发展。例如,”He tried to stem his anger” 表示他试图控制自己的愤怒。

  • conceal掩盖
    to hide sb/sth

  • rhetorical/rɪˈtɔːrɪkl/
    A rhetorical question is one which is asked in order to make a statement rather than to get an answer.

  • undermine从根基处破坏;挖…的墙脚
    to make sth weaker at the base, for example by digging under it

  • dire从根基处破坏;挖…的墙脚
    to make sth weaker at the base, for example by digging under it

  • theism
    belief in the existence of God or gods

“Theistic” 表示信仰上帝或神明的信仰或哲学观点,与 “atheistic”(无神论的)和 “agnostic”(不可知论的)形成对比。如果一个人是 “theistic”,意味着他相信有一个或多个神明存在
