make a plan
time management
A scheme is someone’s plan for achieving something
Planning is the process of thinking regarding the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
It involves the use of logic and imagination to visualise not only a desired end result, but the steps necessary to achieve that result.
time management
Planning is the process of thinking regarding the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
It involves of various demands upon a person relating to work, social life, family, hobbies, personal interests, and commitments with the finite nature of time.
Using time effectively gives the person “choice” on spending or managing activities at their own time and expediency.
Expediency means doing what is convenient rather than what is morally right.
Setting priorities and goals
ABCD analysis
A technique that has been used in business management for a long time is the categorization of large data into groups. These groups are often marked A, B, C and D—hence the name. Activities are ranked by these general criteria:
A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important,
B – Tasks that are important but not urgent,
C – Tasks that are unimportant but urgent,
D – Tasks that are unimportant and not urgent.
Each group is then rank-ordered by priority - to further refine the prioritization, some individuals choose to then force-rank all “B” items as either “A” or “C”.
The Eisenhower Method
Using the Eisenhower Decision Principle, tasks are evaluated using the criteria important/unimportant and urgent/not urgent, and then placed in according quadrants in an Eisenhower Matrix (also known as an “Eisenhower Box” or “Eisenhower Decision Matrix”). Tasks in the quadrants are then handled as follows.
Important/Urgent quadrant tasks are done immediately and personally, e.g. crises, deadlines, problems.
Important/Not Urgent quadrant tasks get an end date and are done personally, e.g. relationships, planning, recreation.
Unimportant/Urgent quadrant tasks are delegated, e.g. interruptions, meetings, activities.
Unimportant/Not Urgent quadrant tasks are dropped, e.g. time wasters, pleasant activities, trivia.
If you delegate duties, responsibilities, or power to someone, you give them those duties, those responsibilities, or that power so that they can act on your behalf.
A basic “Eisenhower box” to help evaluate urgency and importance. Items may be placed at more precise points within each quadrant.
POSEC method
POSEC is an acronym for “Prioritize by Organizing, Streamlining, Economizing and Contributing”. The method dictates a template which emphasizes an average individual’s immediate sense of emotional and monetary security. It suggests that by attending to one’s personal responsibilities first, an individual is better positioned to shoulder collective responsibilities.
Inherent in the acronym is a hierarchy of self-realization, which mirrors Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
- Prioritize your time and define your life by goals.
- Organize things you have to accomplish regularly to be successful (family and finances).
- Streamline things you may not like to do, but must do (work and chores).
- Economize things you should do or may even like to do, but they’re not pressingly urgent (pastimes and socializing).
- Contribute by paying attention to the few remaining things that make a difference (social obligations).
Chores are tasks such as cleaning, washing, and ironing that have to be done regularly at home.
If you have an obligation to do something, it is your duty to do that thing.
Implementation of goals
A task list (also called a to-do list or “things-to-do”) is a list of tasks to be completed, such as chores or steps toward completing a project. It is an inventory tool which serves as an alternative or supplement to memory.
Writer Julie Morgenstern suggests “do’s and don’ts” of time management that include:
Map out everything that is important, by making a task list.
Create “an oasis of time” for one to manage.
Say “No”.
Set priorities.
Don’t drop everything.
GTD (Getting Things Done)
Getting Things Done was created by David Allen. The basic idea behind this method is to finish all the small tasks immediately and a big task is to be divided into smaller tasks to start completing now. The reasoning behind this is to avoid the information overload or “brain freeze” which is likely to occur when there are hundreds of tasks. The thrust of GTD is to encourage the user to get their tasks and ideas out and on paper and organized as quickly as possible so they’re easy to manage and see.
- 定义你要实现的具体目标。确保目标具体、可测量、可实现、与你的价值观和长期目标一致。
- 将大目标分解为更小的、可管理的子目标或任务。
- 为每个子目标或任务分配截止日期,以确保它们按计划完成。
- 创建一个时间表或日程表,将任务和活动安排在适当的时间段内。
- 将需要完成的任务和活动列成清单。这可以包括工作任务、个人事务、学习计划、锻炼等。
- 根据任务的重要性和紧急性,确定任务的优先级顺序。使用工具如任务列表或任务管理应用来帮助管理和优先安排任务。
- 确定完成任务所需的资源,包括时间、人力、资金、工具等。确保这些资源可用并合理分配。
- 为每个任务制定具体的行动计划,包括步骤和所需的资源。这有助于明确如何执行任务。
- 定期监视和评估你的进展,确保你按照计划前进。如果需要,进行调整以应对变化和挑战。
- 计划可能会面临变化和意外情况,所以要保持灵活性,准备应对这些变化。
- 设定一些奖励机制,以激励自己完成任务和达到目标。奖励可以是小的自我鼓励,也可以是一些特殊的待遇或庆祝活动。
- 如果需要,与朋友、家人或同事分享你的计划,寻求他们的支持和鼓励。有时,与他人分享目标可以帮助你更好地坚持计划。
- 学习时间管理技巧,例如设置时间块、减少分心、避免拖延等,以提高效率。
- 定期回顾你的计划,了解你的成功和挑战,以及如何改进未来的计划。